Grilled corn vendor in Sepang arrested over racial slur on stall sign, Indonesian wife held for visa overstay

SEPANG, Feb 18 — A married couple, who operate a grilled corn stall in Kota Warisan, Sepang, were arrested on yesterday following the display of a racially charged sign that sparked public outcry.

Sinar Harian reported Sepang Deputy OCPD Supt G K Shan Gopal confirming that the man, in his 60s, was released on police bail, while his wife, an Indonesian in her 50s, was remanded under the Immigration Act 1959/63 for overstaying her visa.

“The woman was found to have overstayed her visa. Investigations are ongoing to determine the motive behind the incident.

“We have recorded statements from seven witnesses to assist in the investigation,” Supt Shan reportedly told Sinar Harian.

The case is being investigated under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code, Section 4 of the Sedition Act 1948, and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

The incident gained widespread attention after the couple, who had apologised for the sign advertising that he does not sell his products to Indians, admitted their actions could harm racial harmony.

Earlier today, National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang said that the country does not need any anti-racial discrimination laws at the moment.

He told the Parliament that any racial flare-ups can be tackled by strengthening the enforcement of existing laws, after DAP MP Lim Guan Eng highlighted the case of the corn seller.

Yesterday, Aaron said the corn seller who sparked controversy over a racially insensitive signboard has apologised to all Malaysians, particularly the Indian community, for his actions.

Aaron said his ministry deployed members of the neighbourhood watch as mediators to resolve the issue.