KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 12 — National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang today said there are no specific guidelines for government departments and agencies regarding activities involving religious elements.
However, he noted that the ministry has adopted a programme-based approach to fostering unity.
“At present, the Ministry of National Unity does not have any guidelines for government departments and agencies regarding activities that involve religious elements.
“However, the ministry has adopted an approach through the implementation of programme-based initiatives to bridge social gaps among Malaysians while also celebrating the diversity of cultures, traditions, festivals, and heritage,” he said during Minister’s Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat.
He was responding to Kapar MP Dr Halimah Ali, who asked whether the ministry had guidelines to address religious elements in government activities that could potentially cause interethnic tension.
Aaron said all programmes and initiatives are guided by the three objectives outlined in the National Unity Policy: strengthening unity and national integration based on the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara; shaping a national identity with resilience, patriotism, empathy, tolerance, mutual respect, and responsibility; and fostering a society that values and practises unity.
“‘Understand, respect, accept’ are values that must be instilled in every layer of society to ensure our country remains a global model of how religious and cultural diversity can coexist harmoniously,” he said.