Pontian temple flies Johor flag upside down by mistake, police say issue resolved

JOHOR BARU, March 19 — Police have today reminded the public on the proper protocols and etiquettes involved in flying national and state flags, following an isolated case in Pontian yesterday.

Pontian police chief Superintendent Mohammad Shofee Tayib confirmed a Chinese association’s temple along Jalan Kukup there was investigated for accidentally flying the Johor state flag upside down.

“Initial investigations found that the incident occurred at about 1pm yesterday where the temple caretakers did not know that the flag was flown upside down.

“However, the incident that occurred at a religious association’s premises has since been resolved amicably by several parties in private.

“Earlier, two concerned members of the public went to the premises location and reprimanded the temple’s caretakers over the issue with the state flag,” he said when contacted today.

Mohammad Shofee was responding to the incident where several pictures and videos of the Johor state flag being flown upside down from the flagpole of the temple’s premiseswere widely shared on Facebook.

He added that police have not received any reports regarding the incident.

A video on Facebook went viral, showing a man reprimanding two women in Malay language for flying the Johor flag upside down. The women were seen apologising in the vide.